Risk Analysis

3rg predict and analyse risks to corporations, people, property and assets in relation to their current or future expected circumstances. A full evaluation is undertaken to ascertain the source and scope of potential threats. For those working in unfamiliar or hostile environments or for companies planning future business ventures in new world markets it is of critical importance that a Risk Analysis is conducted prior to any decision making.
At 3rg we work closely with clients to understand their operating procedures, remit and objectives. We adopt a phased approach which considers all aspects that may have a bearing on the security of projects they are undertaking.
Risk Analysis phases include:
Risk Analysis and Development Plan
- Review of corporate security policies and management systems
- Conduct a diagnostic field visit
- Review and adaptation of the development plan
Risk Assessment
- Assessment of geopolitical situation
- Assessment of likelihood of threats to occur and potential impacts
- Conduct of a Mission Essential Vulnerability Assessment
- Assessment of in country rule of law
- Conduct of conflict analysis
- Assessment of risk to company personnel
- Assessment of risk to the community (including stakeholder engagement)
Relations with Public Security
- Company policy and principles of interaction
- Security arrangements
- Deployment and conduct
- Consultation and advice
Relations with Private Security
- Verification/background checks
- Training
- Deployment and conduct