3rg Security Multi Course Options

3rg provides a number of security and medical related courses that can be taken together :
Close Protection – CP
Hostile Environment Close Protection Operator – HECPO
First Response Emergency Care – FREC Level 3 & 4
Level 4 Covert Surveillance- SV (Basic) and SV (Intermediate)
Our most popular security multi course options are:
- Close Protection (including HECPO) + FREC Level 3 + Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Basic) + Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Intermediate) – £5550 inc VAT
- Close Protection (including HECPO) + FREC Level 3 + Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Basic)- £4350 inc VAT
- Close Protection (including HECPO) + FREC Level 3 & Level 4 – £4350.00 inc VAT
- Close Protection (including HECPO) + FREC Level 3 – £3150.00 inc VAT
- Close Protection Fast Track + FREC Level 3 – £1950.00 inc VAT
- Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Basic) + Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Intermediate)-£2400 inc VAT
- Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Basic) + FREC 3- £1950 inc VAT
- Covert Surveillance Level 4 (Basic) + FREC 4-£2400 in VAT
- FREC Level 3 + FREC Level 4 – £1950.00 inc VAT
We can also consider prior learning where a student can prove they already have the required experience in order to attend fast track courses. Fast Track courses are also available through ELC funding.
Please note: 3rg has to adhere to rules and guidance from the SIA, ELCAS and Awarding Organisations when offering training and courses to students.
* = If using ELCAS for discounted multi courses, please email for details.
# = must hold a valid FREC 3 in date certificate at time of taking the course.