Anti Piracy Services

In line with a client’s requirements 3rg will provide a fully licensed and equipped security team able to embark and disembark at key strategic locations around designated piracy high risk areas.
3rg’s range of Anti Piracy services:
Maritime Security Surveys
3rg personnel can be deployed in support of client assets to assess any pre-transit requirements they may have. Throughout this phase detailed piracy protection measures will be highlighted with specific recommendations made in line with the layout of the vessel and current operating procedures.
On-Board Crew Training
3rg provide a full piracy and maritime security awareness training package. This gives ships’ crews a vital understanding of how to react in the event of a potentially hostile boarding. Key subjects include: piracy awareness briefings, threat identification, incident management, hostile environment training, dealing with boarding/captivity.
Voyage Planning
3rg will provide up to date intelligence reports in support of the ship’s master in preparation of transits, assessing passage risk including any known current threats.
Hardening of Ship’s Defences
Members of 3rg Maritime Security Teams will implement necessary protection measures alongside testing and adapting the ship’s emergency response actions. Our personnel will liaise closely with the ship’s master to ensure all recommendations in respect to the ‘hardening’ of the ship’s physical security are complete prior to any entry into designated High Risk Areas.
Armed Maritime Security Teams
To date evidence has shown the most effective means of combating pirate attacks against shipping has been the deployment of armed personnel. At 3rg we understand that this measure is not taken lightly by ship owners, ship operators and ship masters. It is essential all security personnel are of the highest professional standard and operate within well-defined procedures including legally robust rules for the use of force.
3rg PCASP personnel fulfil these criteria having vast experience of conducting maritime operations both within the UK’s Maritime Special Forces and now when providing armed Anti-Piracy services for the commercial shipping sector.